Checking Writing: Essential Tools and Techniques

As writers, we strive to create flawless and impactful content that captivates our readers. However, even the most skilled writers can make mistakes or overlook important details. That is why the process of checking writing is crucial to ensure our work is error-free and polished. In this article, we will explore some essential tools and techniques that can greatly assist in the writing checking process.

The Importance of Checking Writing

Before diving into the tools and techniques, let's first understand why checking writing is so important. As writers, our words are our primary means of communication. A well-written piece not only conveys our message effectively but also leaves a lasting impression on our audience. Conversely, a poorly executed piece can lead to confusion, misinterpretation, or even a loss of credibility.

Essential Tools for Checking Writing

Fortunately, we live in an era where technology offers a plethora of useful tools to help us in the writing checking process. One such tool that I highly recommend is Online Word Count.

Online Word Count

Website: Online Word Count

Online Word Count is a user-friendly web application that allows writers to easily count words and characters in their writing. Whether you need to meet a specific word count requirement or simply want to keep track of your progress, this tool is a valuable asset. With its intuitive interface and quick results, Online Word Count saves you time and enables you to focus on refining your writing.

Techniques for Effective Writing Checking

In addition to utilizing helpful tools like Online Word Count, employing effective techniques for checking writing is equally important. Here are a few techniques to ensure your writing is at its best:

1. Take a Break

After completing a piece of writing, it is beneficial to take a break before starting the editing process. Stepping away from your work allows you to come back with fresh eyes and a clear mind. This perspective shift enables you to spot mistakes or areas that require improvement more effectively.

2. Read Aloud

Reading your writing aloud is a powerful technique to identify errors and improve the flow of your piece. When you read silently, it's easy to skim over mistakes or awkward phrasing. By reading aloud, you engage multiple senses and can catch inconsistencies, repetitive words, or convoluted sentence structures.

3. Seek Feedback

Another valuable technique for checking writing is to seek feedback from trusted individuals. Whether it's a colleague, friend, or writing group, getting an outside perspective can provide valuable insights and suggestions for improvement. Fresh eyes can often spot errors or offer new ideas that you may have overlooked.

4. Use Grammar and Spell Checkers

Grammar and spell checkers are invaluable tools for catching those pesky typos or grammatical errors. Built-in checkers in popular word processing software, such as Microsoft Word, can help identify spelling mistakes and offer suggestions for proper grammar. However, it's important to remember that these tools are not infallible and may not catch every error, so manual review is still necessary.

5. Proofread Multiple Times

Lastly, proofreading multiple times is a key technique in the writing checking process. Each pass allows you to focus on different aspects, such as grammar, punctuation, sentence structure, or clarity. By dividing the proofreading process into smaller tasks, you can ensure a thorough review of your writing.


Checking writing is an essential step in producing high-quality content. By combining the use of valuable tools like Online Word Count with effective techniques, such as taking breaks, reading aloud, seeking feedback, utilizing grammar and spell checkers, and proofreading multiple times, you can elevate your writing to new heights. Remember, writing is a journey of continuous improvement, and the checking process is a vital part of that journey. So, embrace these tools and techniques, and watch your writing flourish.

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